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Leadership Roles

One of many benefits of being a Boy Scout is the many opportunities to learn leadership skills. In order to advance to the rank of Star, Life, and Eagle Scout, you must hold one of the following leadership positions. Below are descriptions of these roles and who to contact to begin one.

Role Descriptions:


Senior Patrol Leader* — This role is elected by scouts.

Description: The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is the executive officer of the troop who works closely with Mr. Bieser and other adult leaders. The SPL is elected by majority vote of troop 61 scouts and approved by senior troop leadership. He must be at least Life rank. He is responsible for helping to plan conduct certain responsibilities at summer camp with the guidance of Mr. Bieser. The SPL is responsible for writing a summary of accomplishments at the end of each term of office. At all times the SPL must be aware that he is the primary role model for the scout troop and he should demonstrate leadership and provide a living example of the following the principles of scouting.

Mentor: Mr. Hagen

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader*— This role is elected by scouts.

Description: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is the assistant to the SPL. The ASPL is elected by majority vote of troop 61 scouts and approved by senior troop leadership. ASPL must be of at least Star rank. The ASPL should be ready at all times to assist the SPL in any duty or to assume the role of the SPL in his absence. Assigned duties may require planning or conducting troop meetings, campouts. etc. with the guidance of Mr. Bieser. The ASPL is responsible for writing a summary of accomplishments at the end of each term of office. At all times the SPL must be aware that he is the primary role model for the scout troop and he should demonstrate leadership and provide a living example of the following the principles of scouting.

Mentor: Mr. Hagen


Description: The Scout will see to the care and repair  of various troop gear. The Scout will need to delegate some of this work as required.

(Due to the size of quartermaster function there is a need of multiple scouts in this role and specific areas will be assigned to those scouts)


  1. See to proper (dry, ready to use, in proper location etc.) of gear stored at different locations.

  2. Anticipate the need for gear and prepare gear for scheduled events (meetings, camps, campouts etc.)

  3. Practice custodial maintenance tasks (floor swept, trash removed, equipment stored etc) at different facilities (scout house, area 51 etc)

  4. Assist in determining the feasibility and method of needed repairs and the accomplishment of the repair.

Mentor: Mr. Gengler, Mr. Miller


Description: The Scout will assist in office functions for the purpose of tracking rank advancement of scouts.


Duties: (may include)

  1. Sorting of clip boards after Friday night meetings

  2. Assist in data entry into scoutmaster software

  3. Assist in generating advancement reports

  4. Other tasks as assigned

Mentor: Mr. Moscicki, Mrs. Flemming

Troop Guide (younger scout)

Description: The Scout will represent the Scouts of Troop 61 to the Webelos, acting in a friendly and welcoming manner, showing in action the tenets of the Scout Law and Oath.


  1. Attend the presentations of the various Webelos Badges. This typically will be 5 nights in the fall and 5 nights in the spring.

  2. Demonstrate to or instruct the Webelos about various badge requirements.

  3. Assist in completion of various badge requirements.

Mentor: Mr. Gengler

Troop Guide (older scout)

Description: The Scout will master knot tying and other requirements as needed of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second class for the purpose of training other Junior leaders to teach these skills to these ranks.



1.Mastery of knot tying

2.Conducting training sessions with Junior leaders to prepare them for teaching younger scouts

3.Teach younger scouts these skills to help them advance in rank

Mentor: Mr. Miller


Description: The Scout will formally conduct a training session with younger scouts of required skills (ie. Knot tying) to help that scout advance in rank. The quality of the training given by the Scout Instructor must meet the standards of Mr. Bieser. The scout must get approval form the mentor before conducting the training session. A minimum of 6 training sessions must be completed for a scout to qualify for the role of instructor.



  1. Instructor must be able to demonstrate or explain the skill they are teaching.

  2. Train younger scouts on the skills needed for rank advancement. Scouts trained must be able to show what they have learned.

  3. Fill-out an instructor worksheet and have it approved at the end of the training session.

Mentor: Mr. Lee

Note: if an instructor does not meet the level of expected training they may not get final approval signed-off


Description: The Librarian takes care of troop printed resources and literature.



  • Organize and take care of the troop library.

  • Keep records on literature owned by the troop.

  • Suggest  new or replacement items as needed.

  • Prepare requested material needed for high adventure

  • Organize Merit badge pamphlets for scout camp trips.

Mentor: Mr. Lee


Description: The Historian gathers and curates written and photographic records of troop activities, camp outs and events and makes this information available to the troop through the troops blog and group facebook page.


  1. Request photos and brief stories from scouts and families after a scouting event for the purpose of curation to the blog. (The historian may also use some of his own recollections or photos from the event)

  2. A scout will not publish any information that is offensive or hurtful to other scouts.

  3. The Historian will obtain permission before publishing any information from any individual scouts that are called out in their post.

Mentor: Mr. Hagen

Den Chief

Description: The Den Chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and den leaders in a Cub Scout pack. The Den chief takes direction from and reports to the Den Leader in the pack.



  • Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings.

  • Project a positive image of Boy Scouting.

  • Know the purposes of Cub Scouting.

  • Encourage Cub Scouts to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation.

  • Help out at weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings.

Mentor: Mr. Genel


Description: The troop webmaster is responsible for maintaining the troop’s website. He should make sure that information posted on the website is correct and up to date and that members’ and leaders’ privacy is protected. A member of the troop committee may assist him with his work.



Maintain and update troop website on a regular basis which includes but is not limited to:

  • Troop calendar of events

  • Sign-up forms or links

  • Event reminders

  • Links to photo/video gallery

  • Weekly updates

  • Announcements

  • Other content and site enhancements as needed.

Mentor: Mr. Hagen

To Be A
Troop 61
How to begin doing a leadership role.


  • Review the role descriptions.

  • Select a role that you are interested in.

  • Meet with the designated role mentor listed for that role and discuss with them if there is a position open for that role and if so what project they need you to take on for that role.

  • Then fill out a leadership role tracking sheet with the role mentor and proceed.

Leadership role mentor list


  • Senior Patrol Leader —
    Mr. Hagen


  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader —
    Mr. Hagen


  • Quartermaster —
    Mr. Gengler, Mr. Miller


  • Scribe —
    Mr. Moscicki, Mrs. Flemming


  • Troop Guide (younger scout) —
    Mr. Gengler


  • Troop Guide (older scout) —
    Mr. Miller


  • Instructor —
    Mr. Lee


  • Librarian —
    Mr. Lee


  • Historian —
    Mr. Hagen


  • Den Chief —
    Mr. Genel


  • Webmaster —
    Mr. Hagen

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