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Saturday February 3, 2024 / 9:00am - 1:00pm
Need help building a cub scout pinewood derby car?
Sign-up for time slots (Closed) BSA Troop 61's pinewood derby workshop being held on February 3, 2024.
Your cub scout (sibling car builders are welcome too) will, with help from our expert car builders have the opportunity to...
Select a body style of their choice from one of our tried and true template designs
Cut their weight pocket
Cut out and sand their car body
Polish their car axles
When you leave the workshop the only thing left for them to do is paint and final assembly.
Then it's off to the races!
This is a FREE workshop!
To participate: Sign-up for a time slot online and bring your pinewood derby car that needs buildin' on Febuary 3. (Sorry sign-up is now closed)
NOTE: Due to COVID concerns and to ensure a smooth and safe work flow for cub scouts and volunteers in the workshop sign-up is required. We cannot accept walkin's on the day of.
Sign-up deadline is January 12, 2024. Don't wait to sign-up, times will fill up fast.
Pinewood derby car styles.
1. The Wedge
2. The Double Wedge
Your cub scout will select and build one of these body types below and add their own finishing touches!
Sign-up today
2. Nascar
4. Rocket Car
(with or without side pods)
10. Dune Buggy
11. Low Rider
12. Deuce Coupe
13. Bugatti
15. 32 Ford
$1 extra material cost
(additional 30-min glue time)
14. XKE
$3 extra material cost
(additional 30-min glue time)
Sign-up deadline is January 12, 2024.
Don't wait to sign-up, times will fill up fast.
Where we're located...
We will be conducting the pinewood derby workshop at the Troop 61 Scout House located at
3035 N 68th St, Milwaukee, WI 53210
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